Types of EE Mechanisms

Potential for the focal venture to reduce the amount of time it requires for an activity
(Resource) Substitution
The focal venture can benefit from new possibility to replace one resource with another

Potential for the focal venture to reduce the quantity of resources it requires for an activity

Potential for the focal venture to couple its product or service with external resources or artifacts to provide functionality

(Resource) Expansion
The focal venture can benefit from an increase in the quantity of a resource that is available in the market

Allowing the focal venture to create new or improved artifacts (products/services; functionality; business models)

Uncertainty reduction
Reduction in the perceived uncertainty pertaining to the focal type of venture, or increase in the perceived uncertainty pertaining to competitors
Increase in the legality or psychological/ sociocultural acceptability of the focal type of venture, their offerings or practices, or reduction in such acceptability of competitors
(Demand) Expansion
The focal venture can benefit from a general increase in demand at a given price and given functionality

(Demand) Substitution
Increase in demand that is due to a focal venture’s type of market offerings becoming more needed/attractive or competitors’ offerings less needed/attractive
The focal venture can benefit from improved possibility to capture the value it creates or improved loyalty of buyers
