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Paper Diary
Lucia Naldi EE

Lucia Naldi

Lucia Naldi received her doctorate from Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) and holds a M.Sc. from the University of Florence. Before becoming a full professor at JIBS, she held an assistant professor position at Bocconi University.

Her main research and teaching are in the areas of entrepreneurship, international business, and strategy in small and young firmsas well as in family firms. More recently, she has been interested in women's entrepreneurship and gender (in)equality in business start-ups and development. Professor Naldi’s research has been published in leading international journals including Management Science, Organization Science, Journal of Management, Research Policy, Journal of Business Venturing, and Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. Naldi has contributed to the scholarship on external enablement by extending the external enabler framework to corporate entrepreneurship and innovation.

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