Kim Klyver is professor in entrepreneurship at University of Southern Denmark and adjunct professor at University of Adelaide. Before becoming a full professor, he has held postdoc positions at Swinburne University of Technology, Stanford University, and at Stockholm School in Economics as part-time visiting scholar.
Kim’s current key research interests include entrepreneurship during crisis and the role of social support, networking and social networks among entrepreneurs. His research has received several rewards internationally, and he has published 50+ international peer reviewed journal articles, including in journals such as Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, and Journal of Business Ethics,. He serves on several editorial boards, including the board of Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice. His recent book with Tom Elfring and Elco van Burg “Entrepreneurship as Networking: Mechanisms, Dynamics, Practices, and Strategies” was published at Oxford University Press.